Spencer Davis
Software Engineer / Full-Stack Developer
I build modern web applications with a focus on clean, maintainable code. My background in chemical engineering gives me a structured approach to problem-solving, which I now apply to software development. I’m currently looking for a full-time software engineering role where I can create impactful products.
Featured Projects
For more details or additional projects, visit my GitHub.
Dog Adoption Platform API
A Node.js/Express REST API for user registration, authentication, and managing dog adoption.
- Key Features: JWT authentication, secure dog registration/adoption, pagination, Mocha/Chai/Supertest tests.
- Stack: Node.js, Express, MongoDB (Mongoose), JWT, bcrypt
Space Travel
A React-based app simulating spacecraft construction and interplanetary travel.
- Key Features: React Router navigation, dispatching spacecraft to planets, form validation, error boundaries.
- Stack: React, Vite, CSS Modules, Vitest, React Testing Library
Jeopardy Game
A quiz-style web app inspired by the Jeopardy TV show, featuring interactive categories and clues.
- Key Features: Dynamic category loading (external API), responsive design, restart button.
- Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Axios, Lodash
Get in Touch
Interested in working together or discussing a project?
📩 Email Me | GitHub | LinkedIn